January 13, 2007

ACK!! THBBFT!! This Blog is Now Exclusively About Politics!

Not really.

I think there are enough forums for political "content" already. From what I've observed, the stronger one feels about his or her canidate, the more effort is extended in totally ridiculing & making the OPPONENT look like a horse's ass. Which is all well and good..... I enjoy the ENTERTAINMENT value of reading political forums that spend (I'm not making this up) 98% of their time and bandwidth talking about the opposition, and 2% promoting and educating me about THEIR canidate. Some of them are quite funny.

So while I do indeed have strong political views, you won't be getting them here. Its way too easy to start slinging a little mud, just because one can.

I will, however, go to bat for my buddy, Bill the Cat, who has returned to the funny pages in my favorite Sunday comic strip, Opus.... and is currently the mayor of Bloom County. The strip has been running in a limited number of newspapers since late November of last year, and has really picked up steam since Ol' Billy Boy has returned. It's not currently appearing online......but to see if it appears in a paper near you, click here .

From the Escape Archives... Originally Posted on 6-24-04

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